Nuts about Southwest – flygbolagsbloggen

Flygbolaget Southwest Airlines har startat en blogg kallad Nuts about Southwest. I det senaste inlägget kommenteras bolagets val av färger i planens dekor.


"If you are like me (and hopefully, for your sake, you aren’t!), your mother was always telling you “Eat your liver; it will give you the iron you need.” Gee Mom, I thought, why can’t I just eat a pail of rusty nails because they would taste better. Well, an airplane’s color scheme is called a livery. For our first 30 years, we kept the same basic livery (thank goodness, he finally tied “livery” into this), and I admit that we got a few disparaging letters about our choice of colors." (läs resten av inlägget Eat your livery)
